All tenants are fully vetted before taking occupation of your property and sign assured shorthold agreements or contractual agreements usually for 1 year or longer. Should any tenant fall in arrears with rent you will continue to be paid your Fixed Rent and we will take steps to deal with these arrears.
We work hard to attract the best quality tenants for your property. Our tenants include:
We have links to the corporate market and often companies contact us to arrange their long term housing needs. We have bankers, lawyers, consultants, doctors, traders, pilots, accountants and engineers amongst our tenants.
Because Fixed Rent only offer properties in first class condition, often newly renovated before occupation, we often attract young families, who appreciate a clean modern home and usually stay long term.
We tend to deal with the upper end of the student market, being post graduate and medical students. Under graduate students are taken occasionally from the top universities. We find that diligent students make excellent tenants. The UK has long been a favourite destination for overseas students and we provide housing for students from throughout the world.
Council Tenants
On occasion we let to council tenants. However our relationship with the local authorities means that we are provided the best quality, fully vetted tenants, with no undesirable history and of course, Fixed Rent fully guarantee the rent and the property throughout our tenancy.